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Parshas Bechukosai
By: R' YM Kagan   May 20, 2011

This Shiur is About: Amailas B'torah

As we know, there are forty-eight traits with which we are able to acquire the Torah. Each day of Sefirah coincides with one of these kinyanim.


In the beginning of Parshas Bechukosai however, Rashi quotes the Medrash which describes following in Hashem’s ways to mean being “Amel BaTorah”, to toil in Torah. Why did the Medrash single out this trait from among all of the other forty-eight? It seems this one middah is most essential when looking to obtain our portion of Torah. Why is this true?


Torah is not a book of knowledge. In truth, it is something we really should not be able to connection with. Hashem gave us the Torah as a gift and our ability to access its kedusha is really unnatural. This opportunity however, does not come easily. We are constantly faced with a struggle to understand it, interpret it, and even to remember it. Yet, it is precisely this effort that propels Hashem to respond by allowing us access to His most prized possession.


Our ameilus, our toil to internalize the Torah in all aspects of our lives is actually our key to it. All of the other middos help us along the way, however ameilus is what provides us our initial zechus to receive and retain the Torah.


Ameilus can come in many forms. A person can show consistency in whatever he is learning. One can push himself to learn at times which may be difficult. An individual can pursue clarity in Halacha and their daily implications. Each and every form of effort exerted for the sake of the Torah has a powerful affect and allows us even greater access to the Torah Hakedosha.   





Have a great Shabbos!

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