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Parshas Bamidbor
By: Rabbi YM Kagan   May 27, 2011

This Shiur is About: Counting Klal Yisroel

Chazal teach us, the counting of Klal Yisroel actually imparted them with greatness. This is why the Torah uses the terminology “Siu – lift” when commanding Moshe to count them. Why does a census create greatness?


Furthermore, Rashi points out that Hashem calculates Klal Yisroel’s numbers out of love. Hashem knows the numbers – how is the counting an expression of love?


 Chazal describe the process they went through as they were counted. Each person brought their Sefer Yichus, their family tree, and announced their name, the name of their father, and the name of the Shevet they came from. This was not an arbitrary procedure, rather each individual came and reconnected himself to the Klal, to the congregation. By stating who he was and where he came from, he reaffirmed the union and re-strengthened the linkage leading back to the Avos.


This enabled the Rebono Shel Olam to respond by delivering baracha to the individual, his family and the Shevet as a whole. This was not a mere census; it was an elevating process, an affirmation of the Yid’s allegiance and faithfulness to Hashem and His Torah.


This commandment was the ultimate expression of love by the Rebono Shel Olam. He introduced a process in which Klal Yisroel can demonstrate their individual loyalty while hinging themselves upon the collective greatness of the Klal. These two things together allow for Klal Yisroel to be zocheh to Torah both on an individual level as well as on a collective level.


We must always remember our roots and the greatness we possess. By reaffirming our loyalty to yiddishkeit, we connect ourselves to generations upon generations of greatness and righteousness. This raises us and opens the doors to shefa and bracha.     

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